Symbolic creations handmade with passion and purpose

Energy Consultations

My consultations are unique and include all of my gifts to help bring more flow and positive energy for you and your space. We have created many products distributed to many stores for you to purchase and we hope these bring you everything you need as you journey through life. Paying homage and deep respect to my medicine woman, Master Feng and many other teachers whom I studied with, with my heart full of gratitude to them for sharing their knowledge and gifts, I also offer upon appointment private consultations for homes and business’s.

Energy Express and Flow Consultations will be targeted to suit your personal and business needs. Where signature scent sessions are more internal, for our body mind and spirit, energy express sessions are more external and practical ways to better the flow of our space. Sprays and art can also be included in your consultations and your own unique packages will be created based on your needs and budget. Discovering the path of FLOW in one’s life is very rewarding for me. It has been over 9 years that I have been working with energy and people and creating products to help them. As I have evolved, grown and changed so has my work. Whether you choose a more personal signature scent session or energy express please know that any movement to create more positive energy brings more flow and I would be happy to assist you.

All consultations include Feng Shui analysis, astrology, your own blends made for your needs and other members of the family or staff in a business environment, and any art to enhance your space is optional and extra. Prices will vary depending on your needs with consultations starting from $500
FLOW “ A very powerful spark, a sacred energy force, Flowing through my body, capturing my heart, inspiring my mind, followed by my hands, expressed as the deepest act of love, respect and honour” written by Filiz 2013

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